Aug. 29- Sept. 2: Ruidoso, NM Friends


As we neared New Mexico, the scenery improved.021

We saw huge patches of these beautiful yellow wildflowers.004

We arrived at the home of Jack and Margaret on Thursday morning.  We were about a week early, but they were so gracious to us!  They have a gorgeous home among the pines.027

During our stay, we went for walks in the woods and along a nearby stream.025What a beautiful scene!024

Another view of the stream.029

A pond located along the stream where Jerry and Jack are solving the world’s problems.030

Rusty, Jack and Margaret’s golden retriever, went for a dip in the pond.026

He’s telling me how refreshing his little swim was.040

Lotto, their shit Tzu, said he’d walk, but not swim.  He didn’t want to mess up that carefully coifed tail.035

As you can see on the right, some homes come right down to the edge of the stream.042

Lotto says, “What?  Another walk?  I don’t think so!”001

To show our gratitude for their hospitality, Jerry started making them some whirligigs.  I think he had made 5 by the time we left.008

Sometime during one of the nights we were there, a bear found himself a meal inside their dumpster. Their neighbor, behind the dumpster, is not too happy about having to pick up trash from his yard.009

Unfortunately, we had to leave beautiful, cool Ruidoso and head back to hot Texas.  We left early on the morning of Sept. 2 and drove to La Mesa, TX, where we are spending the night.  We’ll make it home tomorrow, but we will definitely be retuning to visit our good friends in Ruidoso!!!!!

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